
The SY department is responsible for the accelerator beam-related technical systems of:

  • Beam Instrumentation;
  • Beam Transfer;
  • Electrical Power Converters.
  • Radio Frequency;
  • Targets, Collimators and Absorbers;

This covers system and device operation in the CERN complex, together with the development and deployment of new hardware and associated controls hardware and software, as well as developing and maintaining specialised simulation software.

The department is also in charge of related R&D for CERN projects, future studies and to facilitate generic progress in accelerator systems.


Provide safe and effective exploitation of CERN accelerators:

  • Commissioning, operation, maintenance and consolidation of accelerator equipment, controls and SW.

Deliver equipment for HL-LHC and other projects:

  • Resources, schedule, R&D, design, construction, installation, commissioning.

Develop study foundations for longer term accelerator options (FCC, LC, MUC, PBC, PWFA, …):

  • Technology concepts, specification, performance, evaluation, costings, collaborations.

Maintain world-class accelerator technology expertise:

  • Strategy, R&D, prototyping, testing, facilities.

Develop societal objectives for outreach, training programs, Knowledge Transfer.

Provide technical scrutiny for SY deliverables:

  • Processes, quality management, performance indicators, interfaces with Projects.

Manage resources to achieve objectives:

  • Personnel, budget, technical infrastructure, training, communication, HR processes, …

Manage relations with stakeholders to ensure clarity of objectives and tracking:

  • Other ATS Departments, other CERN Sectors and Departments, collaborators, partners.